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곡제목 Roses [원키] MR
가수 Finn Askew
음정 원키
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가사 Hey rose I bought you five roses
Won`t you come to my show
Show you how to live life yeah
You know you`re f gold
Give you all my time
If you wanna take it slow
Your soul is lovely
Hey rose I bought you five roses
Won`t you come to my show
Show you how to live life yeah
You know you`re f gold
Give you all my time
If you wanna take it slow
Your soul is lovely
You`re my little pick me up yeah
You fill up my cup yeah
There`s never enough of you
If I could have two of you I would
Maybe that`s a bit greedy
We don`t gotta keep it pg
Darling we can just break free
It`s on you it`s on you
It`s on you it`s on you
Hey rose I bought you five roses
Won`t you come to my show
Show you how to live life yeah
You know you`re f gold
Give you all my time
If you wanna take it slow
Your soul is lovely
Hey rose I bought you five roses
Won`t you come to my show
Show you how to live life yeah
You know you`re f gold
Give you all my time
If you wanna take it slow
Your soul is lovely
I hate waking up but waking up with you
Makes me wanna wake up
I`m a mess up you`re a mess up
That`s two messed up
But we fell into each other`s arms
Outta the storm
I won`t cause harm to your complexion
I lay my heart on you yeah
That`s my affection
My affection
It`s on you it`s on you
It`s on you it`s on you
Hey rose I bought you five roses
Won`t you come to my show
Show you how to live life yeah
You know you`re f gold
Give you all my time
If you wanna take it slow
Your soul is lovely
Hey rose I bought you five roses
Won`t you come to my show
Show you how to live life yeah
You know you`re f gold
Give you all my time
If you wanna take it slow
Your soul is lovely
Hey rose
Hey rose
Finn Askew 가수의 MR은 총 4 곡이 있습니다.
엠알다운 Finn Askew Roses [-1키] -멜로디MR MR
엠알다운 Finn Askew Roses [원키] -멜로디MR MR
엠알다운 Finn Askew Roses [-1키] MR MR
엠알다운 Finn Askew Roses [원키] MR MR